Welcome to the SHIELD Open Source + Binary Driver Release. In this README, you will find sync, build, and flashing instructions. ========== HowTo Sync: ========== Syncing this release requires git and the repo tool from Google: http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#installing-repo mkdir ~/shield-open-source cd ~/shield-open-source repo init -u git://nv-tegra.nvidia.com/manifest/android/binary.git -b rel-24-uda-r1-partner -m tlk/t210.xml repo sync -j5 ========== HowTo Build: ========== Building this release requires a Linux build environment configured to build Android: http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html Additionally, you will be required to agree to license terms when extracting the binary drivers. cd ~/shield-open-source export TOP=`pwd` cd vendor/nvidia/licensed-binaries ./extract-nv-bins.sh cd $TOP . build/envsetup.sh setpaths lunch darcy-userdebug mp dev ========== HowTo Flash: ========== Before flashing images from this build to your SHIELD, connect your SHIELD via USB with the port closest to Fan exhaust to the PC where you built this tree. Next, put your SHIELD into fastboot mode using following method: Controller method: 1. Connect SHIELD Controller using USB cable 2. Use USB port near HDMI port for the Controller and USB port away for PC connection 3. Hold Button-A and Button-B on SHIELD Controller and then insert power adapter to SHIELD 4. Wait until you see Fastboot menu on HDMI display 5. Use X/Y to navigate 6. Use A to select Fastboot menu navigation: 1. Use X/Y to navigate 2. Use A to select If this is the first time you have done this procedure, you must unlock your bootloader. To unlock your bootloader, run the following command in a terminal: fastboot oem unlock It will take you to '!!! READ THE FOLLOWING !!!' page. Two selectable options are available. 'Confirm' and 'Back to menu'. Select 'Confirm' to unlock the bootloader. Your device's bootloader should now be unlocked. To flash images from this build to your SHIELD, run the following commands from the same terminal where you did your build: fastboot oem dtbname (This will print the DTB name for a given product) cd $OUT fastboot flash recovery recovery.img fastboot flash boot boot.img fastboot flash system system.img fastboot flash vendor vendor.img fastboot flash dtb (Use result from "fastboot oem dtbname" in ) fastboot reboot